Let’s Meet Closer with AdSense! What is CTR,CPC,RPM and others

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SocialDarkNet – Let’s Meet Closer with AdSense! What is CTR, CPC, RPM and others
The first time I received AdSense I was very blind to the terms that were on the AdSense dashboard, at that time I only knew one term, namely CPC.

At that time, I only saw AdSense from a CPC point of view, even though it was very unwise to compare AdSense with similar PPC programs only from the CPC. AdSense is more than that, they have complete statistical data, we can mine AdSense data to optimize our income.

I myself am studying data-mining. With data-mining we can learn the patterns that are generated to predict behavior or what it will be like later, the formal definition you can read on WikiPedia.

Well, data-mining itself can be applied to AdSense statistics to find out when ads appear, what conditions are like, etc. Now I am trying it, but the problem is that the statistics that I have are still few, and that is still very Random. Okay, this is only an introduction, if successful I will share the knowledge.

How to read AdSense

In this paper I will try to explain as much as possible about the things that are in AdSense, and maybe you also don’t realize that something like that can be very useful.

First I will explain the terms in the Tab, Performance Reports. To be able to read the report, we must at least know what Estimated earnings are, Page views, Clicks, Page CTR, CPC, and Page RPM.

Page views

Page views here are not the same as page views obtained from Google Analytics. Because the purpose of Page views on AdSense here is the number of ads that appear on our blog pages that are seen by each UV (Unique Visitors).

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This means that only one person can visit our blog, assuming his IP address has not changed. But if the visitor continues to read each of our posts on different pages, page views will continue to increase as well. Refreshing will also be counted as one page views.

What are the benefits of high Page Views? This is my opinion, so it’s probably not right. During this time, when blogs have large pageviews, advertisements that appear also vary. The diversity of advertisements that appear on our blog results in an increase in bidding for CPC.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

When reading the term CTR, my mind was always mixed with CTR (Crash Team Racing) games. In the context of AdSense CTR is the ratio of the number of ad clicks with page views. Remember, not the overall page views of the blog, but the page views that we discussed earlier.

Here is a formula or formula used to find out the CTR of a blog

The higher the CTR, the better. This means that the blog that you manage has the effectiveness of displaying good ads. As long as the clicks obtained are natural results, high CTR will not be a problem.

The problem is when bloggers or blog owners click on ads on their own blogs, even though the blogger has hidden IP / etc, but still, the sophisticated Google AdSense system can recognize patterns.

The fine sentence, the blog will be exposed to smart pricing and the heavy penalty will be banned.


Smart Pricing is a feature designed for advertisers so that they do not incur large costs to click on ads that are thought to be unnatural or intentional clicks (click exchange). Smart Pricing makes the bid value of the affected blog low.

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You can read more about what Smart Pricing is.

CPC (Cost per Click)

I think from the name it is clear, CPC stands for Cost per Click or in Indonesian means Price per Click. The CPC displayed on the AdSense report is the average of the overall CPC.

By knowing the CPC of our blog, we can put a price for an offer if we want to place a direct ad. Remember that AdSense revenue share with publishers is 68% for publishers and 38% for AdSense.

To find out our AdSense revenue share, that is by going to Settings> Account> Account Information. The value of CPC can be higher if many Advertisers want to advertise on our blog.

Page RPM (Revenue per Thousand Impressions)

RPM is almost the same as eCPM, it’s just that eCPM calculates pege views from blogs, while RPM calculates page views from the ads displayed. With RPM, we can find out the income of our blog per thousand ads that appear.

The formula for getting RPM is as follows:

Suppose you see that the RPM for today is 2.0 USD, meaning, every 1000 times the ad that appears, you will get 2.0 USD. That way you can see a picture of what if you have a bigger impression. RPM is not the income we receive, but the estimated income if the ad appears 1,000 times.

How do you increase your RPM? The easiest way to increase RPM is to reduce the ad units that appear on our blog. For example, if you previously installed three ad units, then to increase RPM you have to change it to one or two.

As a consequence of reducing the ad, your income will decrease, but the RPM will increase.

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Another way to increase RPM is to bring in organic traffic or block irrelevant ads from appearing on our blog.


The channel is the most powerful feature of AdSense. With channels we can categorize ads into certain categories.

Then what are the benefits of channels?

If we install more than one ad unit in AdSense, we will not know which ad units are the most clicked on or give the most revenue or the least clicked. But with the channel, we can know it all.

AdSense Optimization Tips

A little tip from me, when you do A / B testing, make sure you comment on the date of the changes you made. You do this by pressing the comment icon, then clicking the date of change.

Another optimization tip is through the scorecard. Note the tips on what the scorecard provides, if your socre is not maximal, then maximize the score by following the tips that AdSense provides.

On the AdSense scorecard, there are three ratings, first is revenue optimization, Site-health, and multi-screen.

To improve score revenue optimization it’s quite easy, we only need to activate contextual and banner ads on each AdSense ad unit. For Site-health and multi-screen management with hosting and themes that we use. The faster the blog and good hosting will affect Site-health, while multi-screen is how our blog layout adapts to all types of monitors.

I think I have clearly explained the terms contained in Google AdSense, if you still feel poorly understood, don’t hesitate to comment.

Hopefully Helpful, Thank you.

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